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Jeanann Book Blog

As I have near the end of the book Three Weeks with my Brother I have come to realize the importance of having a good relationship with your siblings. As the novel progresses Sparks continues looking back on events that had happened between he and his brother, which eventually brings them together as they both move on in life. I did enjoy the book, though I did get bored during the parts of the story that were in the present. The book would talk about different parts of the trip that the two brothers were going on together, but I would always look forward to the flashbacks to their childhood. Those stories in the book were entertaining and funny to read. I plan to continue reading another book by Sparks that contains more suspense and encourages me to continue to read. Three Weeks didn't have that edginess to it and was not as much of a page turner as I would have liked. From my standpoint I would not recommend this particular Nicolas Sparks' book to others, but books I have read by him prior to this have been what I think are "must reads".